วันพุธที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Inside classroom learning log for 03-Jun-13

    Today , I meet Mr. Anirut ,it is the first time of Classroom English Subject.Teacher say about we must observe teaching at school in coming soon.Next we must test such as Toeic,Tofel,Iels.He give me to my opinion about English.What do you want to learn about English?.Knowledge from learning English and what  Do you know about English before come in University.Teacher talk about work in this term because it has many types of work.Giving students practice about 4 skills for ours have a professional to use in teaching in the future.
     In the future before we do the job,we must pass of test such as Toeic,Tofels,Iels and must pass all tests.Teacher talk about ready to test and determind more than this.We must ready to teaching, but now I want to observe before about two weeks for learn about technique of teaching from teacher in school.Learning about all work in thw school.When we know about principle and mothod,we can teach students to understanding about what I teach and success of teaching.
     Then,teacher talk about work in this term because it has many types of work. The work is about 4 skills for we can practice and have knowledge professional.Parts of skiils is one is skill of listening. Teacher give me to practice about listening from many idea such as VOA( Voice Of  America),listening international songs, for can explain about that song see movie practice about how are they talking from native speaker.The second is skill of speaking.Teacher give to talk with foreigner  via facebook.The third is skiil of reading.Teacher give to reading about newspaper,magazine,story for practice my reading.The last skill is writing such as chat with foreigner from skype ,facebook,line and many media. All skills are very important because of we must use in the future.
     Inconclusion,I think this subject can practice me about many skills because this subject can use for my job in the future.So this subject is very important for me.When I finish this subject I think I can teach students in the future because my job is English teacher.
Pasiyah Celae
English 02

