Today,is the last presentation about method of teaching.Starting with Vocabulary Teaching.Next it is Pronounciation,Teaching English Using ICT,Culture Teaching and the last is Communicative Language Teaching.Each method have many technigue and give to the students success in the learning.Teaching can help about many problems to students and students can solution about it.So,it is very important in Teaching English.
The first method is Vocabulary Teaching.It is about use vocabulary in teaching .Students like to play games.So,teacher ca adapt games and vocabulary together.This technique can help students to understanding about the lesson.Start easy vocabulary to hard vocabulary.Then,this method give the teaching simple and clear.Vocabulary gives students to the building blocks to express their idea in speech and writing in the target language.
The second is Pronounciation Teaching.This method is emphasize about pronouncing when students reading.Method can help students correctly in pronouncing.This method have two problems is tend to be neglected and when it is not neglected. So ,teacher should teach students to understanding about the lesson correctly.When students pronouncing correctly they can use in daily life correctly.Then help to their learn.
The third method is Teaching English Using ICT.It is about students learn and searching information from internet, chatting and games playing.This technique use authentic material in lesson for students can understanding that lesson.When teacher use technology in lesson can motivation about interesting of students.So,help to students use about technology in the lesson correctly.
The forth method is Culture Teaching.This method teaching by using culture from each country to teach students.So,each country many different of style.Sometimes students like to learn story around the world more than lesson in the classroom.Help to students motivation about knowledge outside the classroom.Now,the very important is Asean is coming.Then people in country of Asean must know about basic knowledge from each country.
The last method is Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).This method teach about communicative for can use in daily life.Then,emphasize of students to learn for can use in the future.Interaction teacher and students and students together.Sometimes teacher can teach students from Role-Play because,students can understanding about lesson.CLT have three steps in teaching is Presentation Practice and Production.CLT is very important for learning English because can practice about their language in The Role -Play and communicative in daily life.
Inconclution,I think all method can help teacher in many things.So,teacher must know about each method correctly for can understanding and can teach students correctly.Each method can adapt together.Teacher should teach students ti understanding because,in the future can use it.When teacher must have technique for teach students to understanding and can success in learning.Sometimes students like to use new technology to learning and motivation of students to understanding more than this.